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L’appareil à cornet 


ZA-"W" Automatic  Cone Machinery

The "ZA-W" Series are efficient oven for the large scale production of allkinds of Ice cream cones, moulded sugar cones, cups and hallow wafers.
According to the output required these machines are supplied with 18,24,30 or 36 baking moulds or higher. The oven can be heated by Liquid Petroleum Gas (LP Gas) or Electricity.

"ZA" Appareil automatique à cuisson de cornet de glace





The Automatic Ice-cream cone baking machine of "ZA" Series are efficient oven for the large scale production of all kinds of ice-cream cones, moulded sugar cones, cups and hollow wafers.

Semi-automatic ice cream baking machine

Appareil semi-automatique de la série ZE






Les appareils semi-automatiques de la série ZE sont utilisés pour la cuisson de cornets de glace, cornets sucrés et coupes. Ces machines sont robustes et d’utilisation facile. La chaleur est produite à l’électricite pour maximaliser l’utilisation de l’énergie et la distribution thermique tout en assurant une grande production de 24 heures en continu.

Za-1 Lab Model Cone Baking Machine







The ZA1 Series is an efficient test baking tong for laboratory scale production of all kinds of ice cream cones, cups and hollow wafers. They are characterized by the highest standards in precision, operating ease and utmost durability. They are easy to use and robust.


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