"ZE" Semi-automatic Ice Cream Cone Baking Machine
semi aotomatic ice cream cone machine Eistüte  Maschine máquina  de cono de helado machine  à cornet de crème glacéeZE 50 (Std)
Special Edition : ZE 50 (plus)Special Edition : ZE 50 (plus)
ZE-50 PNZE-50 PN
The 'ZE' series of semi-automatic machines are used for baking ice cream cones, moulded sugar cone and cups. These machines are easy to use and robust. The heating is by electrical heaters designed to optimize energy use and thermal distribution. This machine is flexible for high production on nonstop basis for 24 hours.

One die-unit can bake and produce only one type of cone/cup.
The upper and lower moulds are interchangeable. In two/three hours you can change the entire die-unit and start to produce with another type of cone.
It can be easily operated by any unskilled operators by performing a few simple tasks.
ZE 50 Series - It can be used for producing cones up to 120 mm height
Z 7 - It can be used for producing cones for extra long length up to 150 mm. It is a special Edition
Video of machine
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